Here's the latest....
Rummage Sale is a huge success!!! Our volunteers and donors all worked together to put together a fantastic event that raise over $1500. We began the day before 7 a.m. and closed out by dark. Thank you Sarai, Paula, Juan, Cynthia, Ruben, Connie, Tammie, Jason, Christie, Christy, Libby and so many more who spent part of their Saturday helping Orphans in Africa! We appreciate you! A big "Thank you" to Temple Days for their parking lot! The sale was well attended and people liked our prices! I heard one man say, "No way, you are asking what?"
If you can help our rescue of orphans by hosting a garage or rummage sale, it is a way to enlist neighbors, your church and friends in helping make a difference in a child's life. If you need more information, please let us know. Christy Fox, our volunteer communication coordinator, in Texas will make sure you get brochures and any other info you need!
If you can help our rescue of orphans by hosting a garage or rummage sale, it is a way to enlist neighbors, your church and friends in helping make a difference in a child's life. If you need more information, please let us know. Christy Fox, our volunteer communication coordinator, in Texas will make sure you get brochures and any other info you need!
Departure is eminent! To keep expenses as low as possible we have worked with a missionary travel group to book our flights in advance...however our Passports with Visas are still at the embassy. Due out tomorrow (Tuesday - 2/10), we should be on board flights to Nigeria on Thursday & Sunday. We have tons (15 pieces that each weigh 50 lbs.) of luggage with supplies for the orphans, equipment, medicines, etc... |
However, other vehicle donations help us and donors get a tax receipt. One of our volunteers here in the USA can then put it on the market and APOHA reaps the financial value of the sale for our work in Nigeria! So, don't hesitate to donate a vehicle if you have one you need to get rid of. |
If the majority of our friends, family and contacts were able to contribute (some of you already do this and more - thank you!) just $10 per month, our operating budget would be close to 10,000 USD per month! In three months, we could build a new home and rescue 15 - 20 children! Can you believe the power of ONE! The power of just $10 bucks! Our 501-c3 (tax-exempt status) is still in process.... but Temple Baptist Church has been kind enough to host this ministry until we have our own status! So, be assured every donation comes to A Place of Hope-Africa. We are sorry for being persistent... but, a little boy named David (Afam) who we took in... and a child we have not been able to help, Emeka are just two of the millions that we have seen and personally have experienced their desperation. They keep us focused...and keep us writing you. Again thank you for being our friends and for caring! Click the following link if you would like to become a ministry financial partner: APOHA $10 PARTNER |
A Place Of Hope - Africa
Joey & Beverly Starling
Founders & Directors
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