Update...  Orphan Rescue January, 2009 | |
| Dear Friends, | Here are some updates regarding our Visas, Construction and our upcoming Rummage Sale in the DFW area. Thank you for your support and for taking time out of your busy lives to read our blessings and needs.
| VISAS | For those of you who have not worked abroad, a VISA is a permit provided by the Govern- ment of the country you will enter. Many countries do not require a VISA to enter their territory as an American Passport toting tourist (Most Western European countries, Japan, Central & South America). However, if you are entering most countries for a long-term period to conduct business, charity or religious activity, you are asked to attain a Work VISA .
We have processed ours in Nigeria. However, Nigeria requires that you obtain this type previous to entry into the country. We have been in this process for many months now and at last the approval has been granted in Nigeria. Now we await the docu- ments to be delivered next week to the Nigerian Embassy in Washington, D.C. After they have been delivered, our passports will be verified and a VISA will be attached on the pages of our Passports. When that is completed, our Passports will be sent to us and we will be ready to depart back to Nigeria. The steps that we have taken have been many and at last we believe we are close to wrapping up this process. | | |
| The building of the first house is about to begin. This will occur in several phases, as we have not raised the total amount necessary, but believe that the funds will come in by the last phase. The blocks for building have been being made at the site by locals. A supply shed has been constructed to hold the supplies for the project. We built a road to the property back in July/August and some of the land was cleared. Upon our arrival we'll begin the foundations and then the walls.... Hopefully by the time we are ready to put the roof on, we'll have the rest of the funding. The third phase will be the interior... finishing, painting and all the fixtures/cabinets/closets etc. | Rummage Sale to Benefit APOHA | This coming Saturday, the 31 of January, we'll be having a rummage sale in the parking lot of Temple Days Daycare at 6816 Randol Mill Rd. Fort Worth, Texas 76120. One of our supporters is involved in a moving business and they have collected a number of items (furniture, appliances, clothing, house wares and decorations, etc) which they have donated for the sale. Others have donated some antiques and other items. If you have items you would like to donate for the sale or if you would like to help with the sale, please email me joey@aplaceofhopeafrica.org or call me (817.319.9096) for more details. Please pray that we can raise an additional $1000 for the building fund! | |
BLOG - We have a new blog, which we update regularly with events and happenings... it is easier to update with photos and daily things that don't always make the E-news updates. Visit the blog at: http://aplaceofhopeafrica.blogspot.com/
THANK YOU - We are so thankful for all of you who have recently begun to support "A Place of Hope - Africa" with financial support. We are grateful to all of you who have been backing us in prayer and finances since the beginning and along the way. We are excited about the building we get to build & the additional orphans we'll be able to help in the coming months.
Sincerely, | Joey & Beverly Starling A Place Of Hope - Africa
Africa Address: P.O. Box 242 Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria - West Africa | |
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