Monday, October 16, 2006

TWO MORE DAYS!!! The Adventure Begins


So excited about the trip. Today we purchased a piano keyboard for the church in Malabo. Our Church is giving an acoustic guitar and a mandolin. I will have to pay overwieght for the extra baggage. They only allow one bag for non-revenue passengers. What this means, is that since a very kind person, who works for the airlines is allowing me to fly on the buddy pass the company gives them for a few friends or relatives, there are a few limitations on the luggage or you must pay. You can pray though, that the agent lets me go without having to pay the extra, they can overide this measure.... PRAY!!!

Here is my "tentative" schedule. I say tentative because only the Lord knows what will really transpire.... But here is a basic outline of events....

Thursday Depart Atlanta for Paris and then on to Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.

Friday Arrive Malabo, Speak at Conference - Evening

Saturday Visit in homes of our church members. Purchase Airfare to Nigeria
Speak in Conference - Evening

Sunday Speak in Spanish, English and French Services in the morning... Conference in Eve.

Monday Nigerian Embassy to process Visa for visit to Nigeria, Afternoon witnessing in "New Building", Evening meal with Malabo Church leadership.

Tuesday Possibly leave for Nigeria early if Visa can be processed on Monday(I have already sent all the necessary paperwork, and should just have to appear for signature. However, if delayed, will travel to other towns on Bioko Island and visit some of the congregations that have been started, since we came to the US 3 yrs ago.

Wednesday Continue visits in Malabo, Speak at the Christian School, members of our church started, visit Hospital.

Thursday Fly to Nigeria (1 hr flying time, 2 hrs at airport before departure.), Ride Public Transport to Enugu then on to Nsukka (5hrs).

Friday Meet Williams Family. Tour Town Schools and Speak to Children in schools, Practice Wedding Ceremony. Prepare for evening Bible Conference. Speak in Town Center - Evening

Saturday Meet with Nsukka Town Official/Tribal Leaders. Present Orphanage Project. Request Land from the Town. Wedding Ceremony. Bible Conference - After wedding

Sunday Morning Worship/ Afternoon Town Center Service

Monday Morning Bible Conference / Afternoon Depart for Port Hartcourt for Departure to Malabo / Spend the night in Port Hartcourt

Tuesday Depart for Malabo / Depart in evening from Malabo to France to USA.

Wednesday Arrive USA

Well, again this is all tentative... and those of you who know about how things go in Africa, will understand the meaning of "tentative". I know God is at the Helm and will just listen and follow.

Some of you have given to help with this trip.... THANK YOU!!!

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