Friday, January 23, 2009


Have you ever felt like life sometimes is like a fire drill? Then there are times you wish what just happened was just a drill and not reality. We have just gone through a "departure" fire drill. We were guests at a Missionary house, thanks to the RHBC until yesterday and this morning when I went to turn in the key..... well things changed.

The missionaries that were moving in next week, decided they would not need the house until the end of March and called the RHBC office yesterday to let them know! When I went to turn in the key this morning, I was told that we were welcome to stay on until our visas were here. It was an emotional moment....The whole m0ving out, packing and finding a new place for a few weeks was what seems like a "fire drill".

Now that everything is in storage or in suitcases, we can move back in to an extremely clean house for a few more days or weeks. We are so thankful to those who opened their homes (J.D. & Christy and also our dear former neighbor, Lester). You were so kind and giving! THANK YOU!

Then there were our dear friends who spent some time on the phone concerned that we not be "homeless".... Thank you so much!

On the VISA front... well we have great news... the documents have been signed and are on their way to the embassy in D.C. Next week we will submit our application, passports and payment to the embassy along with copies of the signed documents from Nigeria. Then we wait another couple of weeks for them to be stamped and sent back to us! Departure is nearer... yeah! I am so thankful for all the prayers!

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